“Burroughs: The Movie” explores the life and times of controversial “Naked Lunch” author William S. Burroughs, with an intimacy never before seen and never repeated.
Read moreMAY: From William Burroughs to Uncle Howard
From the enigmatic beatnik author William S. Burroughs to the equally intriguing director of the best movie ever made about him, Exile Room bids adieu to this year’s season with two brilliant portraits about life and death, art and the people who made it. This is a loving tribute to unconventional lives everywhere.
Burroughs: The Movie
Uncle Howard
“Uncle Howard” is an intertwining tale of past and present, the story of filmmaker Howard Brookner whose work captured the late 70’s and early 80’s cultural revolution – and his nephew’s personal journey 25 years later to discover his uncle’s films and the legacy of a life cut short by the plague of AIDS.
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